Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lumbago Point Rush Lumbago And Ann Coultergeist - True Believers Or Talking Point Sales Wonkies?

Rush Lumbago and Ann Coultergeist - true believers or talking point sales wonkies? - lumbago point

They believe the "fat idiot" (not my words - is the title of a book about him that I do nothing about it, reporting) and the blonde bitch "(not by me) is correct that the trash talking that Hillary and Obama (and McCain) and in the past, Bill Clinton and Howard Dean, or do you think they're just clever-speaking visitors who have found their way to their full pot of gold, jump on the train from Neo-Con, and You run with it?
If the Republicans were the majority of State and Government once again jump into the day and prefer the GOP time to the party in power is always the most popular destination?

The two are so unreliable and unpredictable (and apparently unstable at Rush) that I wonder whether they are real or just greedy opportunist.


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