Friday, January 1, 2010

Moori Tips New Cue! Should I Change The Tip Now Or Wait Till It Breaks?

New cue! should i change the tip now or wait till it breaks? - moori tips

He wanted to change a regular triangle as top med Moori, I just my signal last week. Should I wait until it breaks or the tip of Ang replaces remove it now? Can I hold the rod and powerful? or something. Thank you!


sir_bobl... said...

if your heart at the top again, I would like to change. From my experiences, tips for new signals) bad compared to the use of points i (blue diamonds, so I change them for this reason.
do the work yourself, you use superglue! It is perfect for the job! Tho, however, do not use too much. - For high signal and the lower edge of the harsh, the delivery end of the tail fin and punish. Make sure that you clip-type output. If you do not even have a. - They are cheap. I hope that helps.

sir_bobl... said...

if your heart at the top again, I would like to change. From my experiences, tips for new signals) bad compared to the use of points i (blue diamonds, so I change them for this reason.
do the work yourself, you use superglue! It is perfect for the job! Tho, however, do not use too much. - For high signal and the lower edge of the harsh, the delivery end of the tail fin and punish. Make sure that you clip-type output. If you do not even have a. - They are cheap. I hope that helps.

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